Why did Webedia choose Botmind to automate customer support for its e-commerce websites?

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Webedia is the leading digital entertainment group in France and one of the first in the world. The company is in 15 countries and gathers over 276 million monthly unique visitors worldwide and 31 million in France. Webedia has over 60 media brands such as Allociné or Purepeople and several subscription box brands like Prescription Lab and Wootbox.

Prescription Lab is a cosmetics brand that offers beauty boxes through monthly subscriptions. The company manufactures its products in its Parisian laboratory. The products are designed with natural ingredients that are gentle on the skin and adapt to the changing seasons. Prescription Lab places great importance on the quality of its products and the fluidity of its customer experience.

The challenge of managing activity peaks

Two significant peak periods characterize Prescription Lab's activities: the renewal period of the box on the 15th of every month and the delivery period of the box at the end of each month. During these days, the brand's support teams receive many requests, by email, relating to payment and order tracking. Processing these requests was tedious and time-consuming for the three customer service representatives, who had to answer the same questions all the time.

Prescription Lab’s teams needed a solution that would reduce incoming requests without damaging the customer experience. Specifically, they wanted a solution that would assist visitors and customer support advisors in the best possible way and increase customer satisfaction by reducing the rate of contact via email. To achieve this, the company automated its customer relations by integrating Botmind's hybrid chatbot.

Decongesting the customer service department by controlling activity peaks

Integrating the hybrid chatbot on the Zendesk customer support tool (ticketing) was quick. The Botmind team helped the advisors to understand how the hybrid chatbot works and how to enhance its use. The chatbot was operational in a few weeks and could automate the responses to over 50 frequently asked and time-consuming inquiries such as, "What are your delivery times?" and “Where is my order?”

Because of the hybrid chatbot's simplicity of use, Prescription Lab's teams were able to swiftly adjust the responses and tree structure of the answer channels based on the most frequently asked questions. The questions were on important topics, such as order tracking, delivery, and pickup times.

The impact of the hybrid chatbot was quickly felt, particularly during the two activity peaks at the middle and end of each month. Integrating the hybrid chatbot helped to relieve customer service congestion and support the advisors. It also smoothened out customer support activities over the month and reduced the contact rate by about 30%.

With its hybrid approach, the virtual agent automates responses to frequent and time-consuming questions and redirects high-value questions to site teams as complete, ready-to-go tickets. "This relieves them physically and mentally" and "frees up their time" to deal with complex requests and other related projects. In June 2021, the hybrid chatbot saved Prescription Lab's teams over 75 hours of work. This amount of time is equivalent to over ten days of full-time work.

Customer satisfaction is at the heart of all interactions

Within three months of implementing the hybrid chatbot, the company noticed a considerable increase in customer service satisfaction. This improvement resulted from the enhanced response time of the email and virtual agents in real-time via live chat. Thanks to this synergy between technology and people, Prescription Lab can provide quick responses to incoming requests and offer a flawless customer experience, regardless of the channel used by customers.

To attract visitors’ attention and engage them in conversation, Prescription Lab has set up several triggers (small notification bubbles displayed by the hybrid chatbot) on its site. The company can customize the triggers according to the pages that customers visit. For example, if a customer visits the subscription page, a notification will pop up to start a conversation with the customer. The hybrid chatbot will then provide the information the customer needs to help them make the best purchase decision.

Triggers have proven to be very effective as they generate over 55% of the conversations automated by the hybrid chatbot. Their effectiveness helps meet the visitor's need for support during the pre-sales stage.

The hybrid chatbot thus facilitates access to information and helps users during the pre-sales stage. It informs customers about products, promotional offers, as well as different subscriptions. These product recommendation paths are very popular with customers since they make up over 25% of the conversations automated by the hybrid chatbot.

A tool that meets the needs of e-retailers and their customers

Implementing the hybrid chatbot on Prescription Lab's website allowed the brand to automate its customer relations. It, therefore, provided visitors with a better experience and support for the customer support advisors. The hybrid chatbot’s performance was quickly felt with a 30% decrease in the contact rate and a notable increase in customer satisfaction.

Delighted by the performance and impact of the hybrid chatbot on Prescription Lab's business, the Webedia group launched the Botmind hybrid chatbot on the websites of two other e-commerce brands:

-🎮 Wootbox, the 100% geek and gaming culture box; and

-💄Plab Beauty, the e-shop of the Prescription Lab brand.

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