How has Easypara made the virtual agent the preferred communication channel for its customers?

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How has Easypara made the virtual agent the preferred communication channel for its customers?

Easypara has been working with Botmind for the past 4 years, with the aim of optimizing customer support, enhancing the user experience and driving business growth.

Founded in 2007 by Cédric Prosper and a consortium of pharmacists, Easypara is a French distribution company specializing in parapharmacy. With a team of 50 dedicated employees, some of whom are dedicated to assisting customers with their questions or comments on the networks, this entity, which operates in the “well-being and beauty e-commerce” field, has extended its influence internationally in six years, with platforms available in the UK, Spain and Italy. Its ambition? To become the market leader. Delivering more than 530,000 parcels, from 25,000 references spread over 800 brands, Easypara is facing an ever-increasing number of incoming requests. This growth is intrinsically linked to the company's evolution, which is why Easypara is continually redefining its customer service.

[Update January 2024 ]

We wrote a first version of this Success Story in collaboration with Easypara in August 2020. Since the beginning of our collaboration, the Botmind conversational agent has continued to evolve for greater performance. The company is continuing its drive to improve customer satisfaction by implementing new functionalities such as the contact form. This tool reinforces the work of the conversational agent by qualifying requests sent to customer service for high value-added questions. Discover the impact of this feature one year after its implementation!

A lack of information to contact customer support

The Botmind virtual agent automates Easypara's customer support. Previously, on Easypara's website, the information needed to contact customer support was difficult to find. Customers used to contact advisors via e-mail, which is asynchronous and requires more complexity in processing. Like inbound calls, processing the email channel is time-consuming, even though customers sometimes have simple questions whose answers are on the site's FAQ page. Processing the email channel was very time-consuming for the customer support team, which had to deal with all incoming requests, usually by phone. The brand wanted to integrate a solution for automating frequently asked questions to help support teams and offer customers a more up-to-date communication channel.

Easypara, therefore, chose the Botmind virtual agent in the form of a widget (small bubble on the bottom right of the site; see the image) to integrate on their website. Customers were then able to contact customer support more easily without searching for information.

After its integration in less than a week, the virtual agent answered simple incoming requests (order tracking, delivery time, and shipping costs) by itself. Today, it answers about 80% of the questions, and the customer support team has almost no more frequent questions to answer. The virtual agent allows the advisors to focus on more complex requests and guides customers through the purchase tunnel by reassuring them about payment methods, shipping costs, carriers, customer loyalty information, etc. The customer experience is enriched by the virtual agent's assistance in the customer support teams.

Optimal support automation for a successful customer experience

Today, the frequency of non-value added and time-consuming requests received by Easypara's customer support advisors has decreased radically. They can now focus on the most vital requests and offer personalized support, especially on product advice, to their customers. Customer satisfaction has increased by over 10% after integrating the virtual agent. Indeed, customers are pleased to find information directly on the company’s website via the Botmind widget.

Besides helping the customer service agents to answer questions from internet users, a weekly follow-up of the exchanges by the virtual agent is done to ensure continuous performance improvement. Thus, Easypara can follow the conversations with the virtual agent to collect data and improve its understanding of the questions.

After the integration, Easypara wished to continue its collaboration with Botmind by deploying the following new features:

- have the virtual agent on Messenger

- set up a dynamic FAQ page

- work on new intentions (requests)

- have the automatic filling of the fields of the tickets on the CRM

Thanks to the integration of Botmind's virtual agent, Easypara has managed to revolutionize its customer service significantly. By automating up to 80% of the answers provided to frequently asked questions, it has enabled the team to focus on more strategic and complex tasks. Not only has this technological advance freed up valuable time for the resolution of more complex queries, it has also improved the quality of human interaction when it is needed.What's more, the judicious addition of a contact form has had a positive impact on customer satisfaction, by providing a clear and structured means of expressing their specific needs. This has helped optimize the request management process, ensuring that each request is directed to the right department or person.This collaboration between Easypara and Botmind has resulted in a significant increase in customer support efficiency. The improvement in customer experience was clearly perceptible, with customers feeling more heard and cared for. As a result, this has acted as a clear stimulus to the company's sustained growth, strengthening its market position and opening up new development opportunities. In this way, the integration of these innovative solutions has not only transformed customer service, but also laid the foundations for a long-term growth strategy.

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