How to scale your customer support to a fans community?

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Founded in 2020 by Paul Mantia at the young age of 18, SNK-SHOP is a young company that markets several products, including clothing. The products are inspired by the ‘Attack of the Titans: Universe’, the best-selling manga that has broken all records (over 100 million copies sold) in recent years.

Before the launch of its e-commerce site, Paul developed a large fans community of the series on Instagram. Within six months of launching the store, the brand established itself as the first store dedicated to this manga series in European French-speaking countries (France, Belgium, Switzerland).

Customer support: A key factor to ensure sustainable growth

Over time, Paul has built strong relationships with his community, which is at the center of all the company's operations. For example, they can suggest and choose future products for the store. The company identified efficient customer support management and the provision of tailored services for site visitors as critical tools for sustaining its rapid expansion. Maintaining the company's quick rise demanded a significant amount of effort from Paul, who was managing the store and Instagram community on his own.

As an entrepreneur on a budget, Paul was looking for a solution to help him manage customer support and optimize the customer experience. To meet these challenges, he conducted extensive research of reference sites in the French e-commerce ecosystem. He identified Botmind as the best solution to automate the company's customer relations and maintain its rapid growth.

Automation to optimize customer relationship management

Integrating the virtual agent on the brand's e-commerce site was quick, and the tool's learning curve was, to a large extent, facilitated by the customized support of the Botmind team. In Paul's words, "The integration was quite fast, and I'm very happy with the time it took to set up the virtual agent. I had specific ideas in mind, and thanks to Botmind's flexibility, they were easy to replicate."

Acting as a filter for low value-added requests, the virtual agent automates responses to frequent and time-consuming questions and redirects high value-added requests in the form of pre-completed support tickets (with all necessary information) by email to Paul.

Since the implementation of the virtual agent, SNK-SHOP has given a new dimension to its customer relationship management and has benefited from the multiple advantages of the Botmind solution by:

- Creating proximity with customers and community 24 hours a day;

- Providing continuous help to visitors seven days a week;

- Reducing support costs by approximately 60% while increasing customer satisfaction;

- Bringing ultra-personalization to the customer experience; and

- Ensuring better management of activity peaks.

Within a few months, the virtual agent enabled the company to reduce its contact rate by an average of 80% and save Paul over two hours per day, allowing him to concentrate on his other projects.

Features designed specifically to increase sales

The virtual agent has also facilitated visitor support during the pre-sales stage, in particular, through the implementation of product paths and advice to engage the customer in the sales tunnel. So, whether they type in the name of a character from the series or look for the size guide, they will always get a relevant answer, which influences their customer experience, and therefore, their purchasing decision positively.

An example of a trigger on the SNK-SHOP website

The company uses triggers, which are small notification bubbles displayed by the virtual agent, to attract visitors' attention and engage them in conversation. Triggers have helped to generate over 55% of automated conversations. They have also helped engage consumers in the sales tunnel by providing channels tailored to their unique demands. With these features designed specifically for the pre-sales stage, the virtual agent can maximize the engagement rate and improve the conversion rate on the site, leading to increased sales and revenue.

Cool anecdote

In the early days, after the company implemented the virtual agent, a visitor had fun spoiling the entire series of the virtual agent. This incident proves that the virtual agent quickly becomes a customer's best friend once the conversation starts 🙂

SNK-SHOP launched the virtual agent to automate customer relationship management and improve the e-commerce site's visitor experience. Visitors can now rely on the virtual agent to guide them through the sales process. Paul can also now focus on high value-added requests and work on his side projects efficiently.

At Botmind, we're pleased to work with entrepreneurs like Paul to help them develop their businesses and enhance their customers' shopping and support experiences.

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